What is AWS?
Since early 2006, AWS has provided companies of all sizes an information technology services platform in the cloud. With AWS, software developers can easily requisition compute, storage, database, and other Internet-based services to power their applications. Developers have the flexibility to choose any development platform or programming environment that makes sense for the problems they’re trying to solve. Since developers only pay for what they use, with no upfront capital costs and low operating costs, AWS is the most cost-effective way to deliver computational resources, stored data, and other applications to end users.
What is Actwill?
Actwill is an Advanced Consulting Partner of Amazon AWS since Dec 2017.Actwill is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the deployment, migration, operation, maintenance and software development of cloud platforms and determined to become the world's leading provider of cloud computing management services. Actwill is focusing on technical services, product development and solutions. Actwill provide one-stop professional technical services which cover the entire life cycle of cloud usage, Cloudpro intelligent cloud management product to help users realize cross cloud management and cloud billing management in Graphical tools. Though founded in 2016, they have an experienced technical team all possess the related professional technical certifications in public cloud and private cloud area.Actwill is an Advanced Consulting Partner of Amazon AWS since Dec 2017.Actwill is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the deployment, migration, operation, maintenance and software development of cloud platforms and determined to become the world's leading provider of cloud computing management services. Actwill is focusing on technical services, product development and solutions. Actwill provide one-stop professional technical services which cover the entire life cycle of cloud usage, Cloudpro intelligent cloud management product to help users realize cross cloud management and cloud billing management in Graphical tools. Though founded in 2016, they have an experienced technical team all possess the related professional technical certifications in public cloud and private cloud area.
Benefits of AWS
AWS benefits hundreds of thousands of customers in China andaround the globe with a secure, reliable, and scalable information technologyservices platform.
No Upfront Investment
Building on-premises information technology services can beslow and expensive. There is costly hardware and software that needs to beordered, paid for, installed and configured and all of this needs to happenlong before it is needed. With AWS, developers and businesses don’t have tospend time and money on these activities; instead they can simply pay for theresources they consume, when they need it, on a variable basis.
Low Ongoing Cost
AWS helps reduce overall IT costs in multiple ways. Oureconomies of scale and ongoing efficiency improvements allow us to continuallylower prices. Our multiple pricing models allow customers to optimize costs forboth variable and stable workloads. Additionally, AWS drives down upfront andongoing IT labor costs and gives customers access to a highly distributed,full-featured platform at a fraction of the cost of traditional ITalternatives.
Flexible Capacity
Predicting how users are going to adopt a new application isdifficult. When developers make a capacity decision prior to deploying anapplication, they often end up with either idle expensive resources or limitedcapacity, which can result in a poor end user experience until resourceconstraints are resolved. With AWS, this problem goes away. Developers canprovision the amount of resources they need, when they need it. If they needmore, they can easily scale up. If they don’t need them, they just turn themoff and stop paying.
Speed & Agility
With traditional information technology services, it can takeweeks to get resources procured, delivered, and running. These long timelinesstifle innovation. With AWS, developers can deploy hundreds or even thousandsof compute nodes in minutes, without having to talk to anyone. Thisself-service environment changes how quickly developers can create and deployapplications and allows software development teams to innovate more quickly andmore frequently.
Apps not Ops
AWS lets customers shift resources away from data centerinvestments and operations and move them to innovative new projects. Scarce ITand engineering resources can be focused on projects that grow the businessinstead of on IT infrastructure that is important but which rarelydifferentiates a business.
Global Reach
Whether an AWS customer is a large global company or a small start-up, it may have potential end users around the world. With traditional alternatives, it’s hard to deliver great performance to a broadly distributed user base, and most companies focus on one geographic region to save money and time. With AWS, the game changes - developers can easily deploy applications to reach end users in multiple geographies using the same AWS technologies operating in different locations around the world.